Journal - July 2019

Inspirations for paintings and their progress.
Image above: Custard Factory, Birmingham
'Land Of Heroes' Acrylic Painting, 80x100cm


Out and about in the landscape.
As well as hanging around Canwood invigilating etc and creating an 'ideas' painting, I travelled about the countryside for inspiration. And wow this red is def going to appear somewhere! The poppy fields near Bewdley. Fantastic!

Works In Progress

The 'Fragile' work is coming along. Its what I like to call an ideas piece. It may not become anything but remain an inspiration for further ideas or it may become a finished piece in its own right.
The wallpaper base has stood up so far to some abuse as I have used a lot of paint and water on it. Some of the paint is quite lumpy and thick. Seeking some texture that is not wallpaper with this.
Certainly a mixed media piece of work.
Adding aspects of Canwood that I can as a collage is fun and something I don't usually do. Frees you up and lets you just do, as it were. Mud might work as well as foliage etc. We shall see!

Zarina Keyani July 2019
Images: 'Canwood' Mixed media painting



Oil on Canvas


(Featured on the right of the image)

One from the archive. Here exhibited at the RBSA in Birmingham. A great gallery. Has loads of great artwork up on a regular basis.

Journal - August 2019

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All Images and text copyright Zarina Keyani unless specified.