Journal - June 2019

Art imagery, some musings and a few comments.
Custard Factory, Birmingham
'Urban Myth' Painting, 100x100cm, Oil on CanvasClick on image for gallery.

Canwood Gallery

I was down at Canwood gallery in Herefordshire yesterday. Absolutely stunning countryside. My work was in a show and I was on hand to chat and answer questions. Got lost a couple of times on the way, just enjoying the drive down.
Had a lovely chat with the owner of the gallery, Stephen Dale who showed me some of his collection, including this great piece of work by Barbara Hepworth which will be hanging alongside some of our work and projects in the project space. Stephen is definitely into abstract.
I also took along a couple of other paintings, of which one I hung in the space to further inspire me. Its from 2011 and its the Riverside painting. Based on the countryside so quite appropriate.

Works in Progress

I set up to do some work on a project I have had in mind for a while. It involved a larger space and Stephen kindly allowed the artists in the exhibition to use the project gallery, so I jumped at the chance!
So far this is what I have come up with. The project is about personal heritage, where we start and what we pick up along the way.
I feel its fragile and tenuous so I have named it 'Fragile'.I am starting with a wallpaper which is quite old and didnt belong to me but I inherited it.
It has so far travelled through the years and now has travelled from Birmingham to Canwood where it will be transformed and at the same time remain wallpaper.
It will now inherit aspects of the journey to Canwood and things from the space itself.
It started as a textured wallpaper and will remain so but more texture will be added. At some point it will be a sum of old and new. Will it be any better than it was? Maybe not. Is its purpose changed? Possibly, as I intend it to be an initial stage in an abstract painting, but I also intend it to remain wallpaper. Lets see what happens.
Zarina Keyani 7th June 2019

Journal - July 2019

Click to view.

All Images and text copyright Zarina Keyani unless specified.