Abstract Paintings inspired by Culture and Landscape.
Light Through Oil on Canvas, 60x50x3cm
Doorway 1 Oil on Canvas, 10x15cm
Doorway 2 Oil on Canvas, 10x15cm
A study of architectural spaces, openings and anomalies arising from edges that meet and fall away, allowing movement from one scenario to another.
Doorway 3 Oil on Canvas, 15x15x2cm
Decision Portal Oil on Canvas, 40x40x3cm
The Passage Oil on Canvas, 100x120x3cm
The Way Oil on Canvas, 100x120x3cm
For Design Click HERE!
Social media links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zarinakeyani/
Twitter: zarinakeyani@zarinakeyani
fb: @zarina.keyani
Inst: @zarinakeyani
All images copyright Zarina Keyani